Archive for February, 2009|Monthly archive page

Installing Updated ArcSDE 9.2 License

I used Programs>ArcGIS>Software Authorization DevKit to install a new ecp license from EDN. I then used Programs>ArcGIS>AuthorizationSummary to confirm that the new ArcSDE license had been installed (with a timeout date in the future).

When I tried to start the ArcSDE for SqlServer service I got this in my giomgr_esri_sde.log file:
Error (-327), No ArcSDE server license found.

Solution was to go into Programs>ArcGIS>ArcSDE>Post Installation. In the wizard, choose custom install, then check Authorize (and uncheck all other options). Then browse for the ecp file.

I was then able to start arcsde service.

GIS in the High Seas


Olivia Newton John’s husband was thought to be dead, but turns out he faked his death and has been sailing around Mexico and South America.

With so much interest lately in seafaring with Google Earth 5, I find it interesting how geospatial technology was used to trap him.

They set up a Web site ostensibly to collect tips about his whereabouts, but it was actually used to see out who logged in and where they were located. Investigators monitored all hits on the Web site, and began to notice patterns about the location of people who accessed the site.

From At Large.