Archive for July, 2007|Monthly archive page

Cagle on the Future of XML

Interesting O’Reilly article, quoting Kurt Cagle …

I suspect that this feed model will increasingly end up replacing the sometimes more cumbersome repositories in various verticals (such as Geographic Information Systems, or GIS).

Garage Sale Maps/Classifieds

The internet has cut into classified ad revenue at local newspapers.

I think newspapers can still play a role, though. Most cities require permits to be purchased for garage sales. Some cities, like Bryan TX, display garage sale maps, but don’t do a very good job at it.


I think newspapers could mashup garage sale permit locations, and add value by allowing garage sale vendors to purchase additional advertising, upload photos, and list the items they have for sale. This would then support a slick map based web gui.

Additionally, SMS based LBS could allow cell phone users to get a list of nearby garage sales when out shopping.

Hyperlocal Weather Forecasting Requirement

I’m guessing the doppler weather sites get a lot of hits. doppler_lg.gif

A typical use case is “when will the storm reach my house”?

Seems to me weather sites could provide a tool that allows the user to place two markers, on different timesteps of the image. The software could then extrapolate a timeline to allow the user to predict when the storm will hit.

Advertisers could be offered an option to purchase ad space that appears along the timeline.